Sunday, 15 July 2012

Essential Precautions while cleaning artificial jewellery

Today, Artificial Jewelry is the most popular among women as it costs less as compared to other types of Jewelry like gold, silver, diamond etc. It suits our budget and also comes in a lot of styles and designs. So we can easily mix and match them according to our mood or dress. But good caring of Fashion Jewelry can long lasting its life. Although artificial jewellery can be bought in fewer prices, yet it requires a proper care. We can take care of fashion jewellery by doing following steps.
  • While cleaning, an individual should divide the jewellery according to its type such as silver clad, gold plates; platinum clad, gemstones, imitation pearls, water-soluble stones etc.
  • An individual should never allow artificial jewellery to contact with soaps, oils, perfumes or any other harsh chemicals because they can fade or ruin the item.
  • When you are storing your jewellery, you should never store them wet. You should always dry with a soft cloth before storing. Moreover, try to store your artificial jewellery in cool and dry place. You can store them in a plastic Ziploc bag or soft jewellery pouch away from other objects in order to avoid scratching.
  • For precautions point of view, you should always remove jewellery before doing laundry, playing sports, swimming, washing hands, applying creams and lotions. While dressing, you should put jewellery on last and taken off first.